“How I Compare Coffee to Having a Relationship with Jesus” – Tessa Emily Hall | Guest Post

I am so excited to welcome Tessa Emily Hall to the blog in this fabo guest post! She loves coffee just as much as I do (maybe more ... which is awesome) and is the author of Coffee Shop Devos {affiliate link}, which releases on September 18, 2018. Read on as she examines spiritual parallels to coffee. … Continue reading “How I Compare Coffee to Having a Relationship with Jesus” – Tessa Emily Hall | Guest Post

Shrove Tuesday: Beginnings

And so it begins: Shrove Tuesday. Shrove is the past tense of shrive; per Dictionary.com, (to) shrive is defined as: impose penance on (a sinner). grant absolution to (a penitent). hear the confession of (a person). The French interpret this as Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday" - a day of celebration before the extended period of fasting. Many traditions … Continue reading Shrove Tuesday: Beginnings

Singleness: SUPER OKAY! {A Christian girl chimes in}

Earlier this week, I ran across this article about (not) dating. I LOVE IT. Shelly Wildman's many truthful zingers truly strike a chord with me, and I wanted to share it for the singles reading this - as well as those supporting them! Singleness requires just as much support as marriage - it just looks different. The … Continue reading Singleness: SUPER OKAY! {A Christian girl chimes in}

Advent in Pictures: Christmas Day

Merry Christmas!!! We made it! Thank you for joining me in the journey toward Christmas Day, seeing Advent come to life in pictures and readings. Today marks the official celebration of Christ's birth (though the date itself sparks many an online debate, with which I won't dilute today's significance and celebration). Today we light the … Continue reading Advent in Pictures: Christmas Day

Advent in Pictures: Fourth Sunday in Advent

Today, the fourth Sunday in Advent, we light the corresponding fourth candle in the Advent wreath. This purple candle is often known as the "angel candle" or "candle of love", as the day's readings focus on the annunciation of the birth of Christ. Today's theme is purity, or love - depending on which website you ask … Continue reading Advent in Pictures: Fourth Sunday in Advent

Advent in Pictures: Third Sunday in Advent

Today marks the third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete comes from the Latin for Rejoice, the first word in today's Catholic mass from Philippians 4:4-6 and Psalm 85:1: Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete. Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus enim prope est. Nihil solliciti sitis: sed in omni oratione et obsecratione cum gratiarum … Continue reading Advent in Pictures: Third Sunday in Advent

Advent in Pictures: Second Sunday in Advent

Today is the second Sunday of Advent. The second purple candle, also known as the "Bethlehem candle" or "candle of Peace", is lit in remembrance of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and the prophets who foretold it. I spent only a short time in Bethlehem on my 2010 visit. Held by the Palestinian National Authority since … Continue reading Advent in Pictures: Second Sunday in Advent